Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random thought Tuesday

There are certain co-workers I hate listening to. I swear these people love hearing themselves talk. They toot their own horn every chance they get even when its not appropriate. I think they should eat a slice of humble pie every once in a while.

I hate people that talk in circles and ramble on to fill in the conversation to take them sound like they know what they are talking about even though this makes them look stupider.

I sometimes think I will never find that guy I will want to spend the rest of my life with.

I have ugly fingernails.

If I don't have kids by the time I am 35 I don't think I will have any :(

Why can't we work at night and sleep during the day? I am such a night owl and I would be much more productive. If it was reversed do you think I would wish the opposite?

I want to travel the world. I wish I could have Samantha Brown's job.

I wish I could be a party planner and have unlimited resources to do so.

If I had unlimited money I think I would execute some ridiculous ideas... especially party wise.

Why is it so hard to find sombreros and serapes for Cinco de Mayo?!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Random Thoughts

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

I know what I want for my birthday!!

So when I come up with what I want for my birthday I get so excited!!! I can't wait to share it. So I tried to call my mom, no dice, she didn't answer... how dare her I had important news to tell her. My birthday gift... come on its coming so soon, only 4 months left!

Plan B call Dad!

"Dad, I know what I want for my birthday!" (PS his birthday is in 6 days)

Dad- "What's that sweetie"

Me- "Guess?!??!!!!"

Dad- "Something for running or something for music?"

Me-"Nope, come on dad guess again"

Dad- " Hmm..."

Me- (I cut him off the suspense was killing me!)- "Dad a margarita machine!!! And I mean the kind that twirls all the time like a slurpie machine!"

Dad-" That's cool Jill"

Me- "This guy at work his uncle owns a liquor store and can get stuff like that at wholesale price! Just think how great it would be to come to my house and you have margaritas swirling any time you want them! Besides I can use it for my Cinco de Mayo party too!"

Dad- "Yeah.. find out how much they are. That's cool you might just have to get 2 so we can have one here at home!"

Proof once again I am my fathers daughter! Who would have thought dad would want a margarita machine too!!!!

I love my dad! :)

costume ideas

On Wednesday I am going to a charity costume party and I need ideas for a costume to wear. Originally, I was thinking pull out an old costume and call it a day. However, there is a contest involved. And for those of you who know me, I get just a little tiny insy winsy bit competitive. No big deal, I just like to WIN!

So I thought hmm St. Paulie girl was really cute at Halloween... got good reviews, a girl scout (yes folks I have the original costume from when I was 12, my mother doesn't let me get rid of things like that)... its hot, but who hasn't seen that?!

Think Jill think... get creative.... what were some good news headlines..

I could be Madonna and my friend could be ARod. Its pretty good not quite enough to win though.


How about Octamom?!
I was thinking a t-shirt that says Got Sperm? (looking to have more babies), Angelina Jolie makeup, lip plumper, and a tool belt with 8 babies strapped to me.

I like this one... it just might work....

Any ideas or suggestions?

Random thought

What if instead of donating just a dollar a day to feed the homeless in other countries you could donate ugly bridesmaids dresses?

I bet we would have cancer cured, the homeless would live in mansions, no starving children and the world would be free from those dreadful things.

I have one to start the collection (worst part is I haven't even worn it yet...) Who's with me?!

Ugly bridesmaids dresses to save the world.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Thought I would share some of my Vegas fun with all of you.... Of course I need to leave some details out cause they wouldn't be able to keep the slogan "what happens in vegas stays in vegas" if I showed you all that happened.

Here is the first night from Body English.


Of course after a night of drinking you need to have a good meal...


Saturday Night at Pure


Cause who doesn't need a picture with the sign that says come and get it... just ignore the part underneath that says all you can eat prime rib... although they do say a way to a mans heart is through his stomach...hmm maybe I won't photoshop that out.


The last night in vegas


The hotel door hanger... boy am I a sucker for a cleaver sign...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

When I was 8 I thought I would be married at 23, I would have 2 kids by the time I was 28. A boy first born named Andrew, and second a girl probably named Amelia. Have a huge house, a dog, a great car and live happily ever after............

I am turning 28 in July, I am single, no kids, no house, and my niece was named Emilia. LOL

But I am happy and appreciate every experience I have ever had and where I am in life.

"It's amazing because, when you're a kid you see the life you want and it never crosses your mind that it isn't gonna turn out that way. "

I love quotes....

I love to read quotes, they remind me to appreciate everything in life and to stop and take a minute to be thankful. Here are a few that I came across today that touched me.

Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

Never take life too serious. No one ever escape it alive anyways.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My new moto....

" I enjoy every opportunity and live every moment. And that is why I have no regrets. It’s when you are not scared of losing that you win everything."

I feel so happy and thankful with my life. I went through hard times with Mr.I thought it was forever, and now I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have escaped on top.

I feel so fortunate and I need to pass this on. So with that being said, its time to volunteer again.

Does anyone have suggestions? What are some of your favorite organizations to volunteer for?

I like when I can give back because not everyone has the same opportunities in life. But its important to be thankful for what you have.

What are some of the things you're thankful for and appreciate?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My new love

My new love is like nothing I have experienced before....

Black, hugs you tight, supporting, makes me feel super sexy and confident.

What more can a girl ask for?!?!

Monday, March 23, 2009

What's on your mind?

I swear when I am on an airplane I have this sign on me that says talk to me, or what's on your mind.

Every time I fly, and this is kind of often I get someone trying to talk to me. I can have my headphones on, sleeping, reading, you name it. Anything that doesn't say talk to me and people still always try to talk to me.

Why is this?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Mail

So when I was depressed I used to check the mailbox every day for some excitement in my life. Don't ask why I ever thought the mailbox would cheer me up. I have always liked getting mail and maybe I thought something super exciting would come. However, nothing ever came except bills, with the exception of every couple of weeks a new magazine, usually Victoria's secret, because they send out like a hundred a year.

All week I didn't check my mailbox. I am over my mailbox fix. I go several days, sometimes the whole week without checking it.

So finally today I checked it and I had a key in the mailbox which means some kind of package. However, I still didn't get excited about it bc I am expecting my birth control pills via mail.

When I opened the larger mailbox I noticed the box was much too big for the pills and then I saw it was from my best friend Alicia!!

I couldn't wait to open the surprise. I thought how sweet! And when I opened it even better. Willow tree angels. 2 of them with their arms linked and then a wooden carving that says friends. Soooo cute, they remind me of us and our friendship!

Such a great surprise and the perfect gift to get after a super long stressful week!

Thank you Alicia!!! I love you and miss you so much! Your friendship means so much!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I caved....

Ok So I caved and took the little quiz on what female icon are you. Here are my results

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are a Doris!


You are a Doris -- "I must help others."

Dorises are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Tell me that you appreciate me. Be specific.

  • * Share fun times with me.

  • * Take an interest in my problems, though I will probably try to focus on yours.

  • * Let me know that I am important and special to you.

  • * Be gentle if you decide to criticize me.

In Intimate Relationships

  • * Reassure me that I am interesting to you.

  • * Reassure me often that you love me.

  • * Tell me I'm attractive and that you're glad to be seen with me.

What I Like About Being a Doris

  • * being able to relate easily to people and to make friends

  • * knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better

  • * being generous, caring, and warm

  • * being sensitive to and perceptive about others' feelings

  • * being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor

What's Hard About Being a Doris

  • * not being able to say no

  • * having low self-esteem

  • * feeling drained from overdoing for others

  • * not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish

  • * criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should

  • * being upset that others don't tune in to me as much as I tume in to them

  • * working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings

Dorises as Children Often

  • * are very sensitive to disapproval and criticism

  • * try hard to please their parents by being helpful and understanding

  • * are outwardly compliant

  • * are popular or try to be popular with other children

  • * act coy, precocious, or dramatic in order to get attention

  • * are clowns and jokers (the more extroverted Dorises), or quiet and shy (the more introverted Dorises)

Dorises as Parents

  • * are good listeners, love their children unconditionally, and are warm and encouraging (or suffer guilt if they aren't)

  • * are often playful with their children

  • * wonder: "Am I doing it right?" "Am I giving enough?" "Have I caused irreparable damage?"

  • * can become fiercely protective

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
at HelloQuizzy

Let's go green

These days there is so much talk about what can we do to go green. You see the recyclable bags at the grocery store, new homes are being built with solar panels, new light bulbs to conserve energy...

So I have decided I will do my part and get an electric car...

Here is a glimpse of what my next car will be so I can do my part....


Fisker Karma

In honor of valentine's day

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What candy am I?

Chewy yet sweet, with many options for flavors. Translated from candy lingo into English, this means your moods are all very different and all used often. This just means that not EVERYBODY likes you. You are a pretty popular person. You are VERY social and GREAT at making people laugh.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Boot Camp Class.....

Dear Exercise,

"I want to feel passion, I want to feel PAIN. I want to weep at the sound of your name. Come make me laugh, come make me cry...just make me feel alive"

Oh yes and you have made me feel it all....

The passion to spend 2 days in a row with you. And the thoughts of a 3rd date tomorrow.

The pain I feel whenever I get up to walk, go up or down stairs, to change my clothes, oh wait any movement I do.

I weep at the sound of your name going back to torture myself another day.

You make me laugh because I am insane putting myself through this over and over. And paying you to do it!

Make me cry when I am told to do another sit up, the tears roll down my face at the thought of another squat, another push up, another jump, the thought of 55 more minutes to go when I want to quit after the first 5.

And oh yes you make me feel alive once I have lost the battle to you another day.

Maybe tomorrow you won't be so lucky, maybe tomorrow I won't succumb to you so easily.

Oh exercise who will win tomorrow, will I spend another evening with you? You can only wish I am this weak and I can't exist without your presence in my life....

We shall see tomorrow, but for tonight. Goodnight exercise, you have caused me much pain tonight!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Music Monday Favorites

Ok you know the drill every Monday I post a playlist. This week I was at a lose I didn't have any songs pop out at me during the week. So I decided I would ask a few of my favorite people what their favorite songs are so I could add them to the playlist. So here goes....

1. You'll Never Find by Lou Rawls- This one is from my first cali friend. She has been there through all the ups and downs of the job and such a great friend and support. We have spent the last 3 Thanksgivings together, which we call the Orphans thanksgiving since I can't go home to be with my family during this time. This is her all time favorite song!

2. Can you stand the rain by New Edition- This is from one of my newer friends. We have so much in common. In fact half the time it looks like we planned to wear the same thing to work! I have had a blast hanging out with her and talking about all the things we love... fashion and men! This is an old school song but her favorite!

3. Purple Rain by Prince- This is from my best friend in DC. I don't get to see her too much but whenever I am down I can always call her up and she will snap me out of it. She is the speak your mind, down to earth, honest friend. I know I can always count on her to tell me like it is. I miss her so much. She has taught me so much about fashion, standing up for myself, and having a little attitude in a classy way!

4. Sundrenched World by Joshua Radin- This is from Yaya! My oldest and best friend. We grew up together and shared so many wonderful childhood memories. I practically lived at her house during the summers and I even had my own bed in her room! Yaya always listens when I am feeling down, she doesn't try to sugar coat anything just listens and comforts. I love making her laugh and spending time with her when I get to go home!

5. Big Pimpin by JayZ- This is from an old hook up of mine. Ok so he's not necessarily one of my favorites, well I guess you could say he is, he's a favorite hook up ;) ha ha. He was around when I was asking favorite songs. Go figure his song would be Big Pimpin . I guess it just makes it that much more appropriate that it came from him!

Get a playlist!
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

If you have a few hours to waste....

Here is one of my favorite websites I could spend hours on this site. In case anyone is bored and wants to waste a couple of hours, here you go....


Saturday, January 24, 2009

The differences in dogs and cats!

The Dog's Diary

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

The Cat's Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

5 Random things you didn't know about me

1. I used to want to be a professional ice skater when I was 8 because I liked their outfits!

2. I've been to Brazil on 3 separate occasions

3. I think cats could rule the world because the way they could deceive people with their cute looks.

4. I won best sense of humor in high school

5. I think I have a shopping addiction, especially to dresses. I think I bring home a new dress a couple times a month.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Ghetto Fabulous Night

Just Thought I would post some pictures from my Ghetto Fabulous night last weekend




Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I cannot wait to see this movie....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wine club

Tonight I went to my wine club. Its at a local wine store and they host this event every 3rd Tuesday of the month. All the wine club members come in taste 4 different wines and then get to select 2 to take home. They also have trays of food around the store so you can mingle, look at the other wine present and then have a taste of some food with each wine. Tonight they had fruit trays, artichoke dip, veggie dip and chocolate.

I was with my friend we were on taste number 2 which let me tell you is a mini sip just enough to wet your mouth and have a mini taste. We were over by the food checking out the selection when I saw it happen. One of the members DOUBLE DIPPED!

Yes folks thats right, she picked up a piece of celery, dipped it into the veggie dip, took a bite and then re-dipped it and finished the celery! At most she had 4 sips of wine, was this enough for her to forget the unspoke party law of no double dipping?! Plates were even available for her to place all the dip she wanted and could consume, but no, she went right on double dipping!

So I leave this video tonight dedicated to the double dipper....

Master of his Domain?

This morning I was all warm in bed and I could feel Payton (my cat) snuggled up to my back. (This is nothing unusual, this cat likes to spoon at night!) But, something just didn't seem right! My neck was uncomfortable and when I rolled over to my back to realize that my head was in the crack of the pillows and Mr. Payton was hogging the whole pillow!!! I thought wow what nerve he has taking over the pillow! He's just like a man!

Here is the evidence....


This little bugger made the blog! There you go Payton your 5 minutes of fame on blogger!

Habitat for Humanity

I have always wanted to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. So this morning I signed up for the women's build team.

On Feb 6th which is a Friday I will be taking a PTO day from work so I can go join Habitat for Humanity and volunteer for the day!

I am very excited to be a part of this and can't wait to experience this great organization.

If you are interested in volunteering check out their site to find local opportunities in your area or just to find out more about them.


"I expect to pass through the world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show to any creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it, for I shall not pass this way again."
Stephen Grellet, French/American religious leader (1773-1855)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Benjamin Franklin

Ahh yes a nice refreshing beer! Tip the glass, fill it up, add a slice of orange and enjoy!

This is one of my favorites!

A little history:
Blue Moon was first brewed in 1995 at the Sandlot in Denver, Colorado

My little secret:
Add a splash of OJ, rub the rim with the orange and enjoy!

Check out their cute website!

I will leave you with this thought....

"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed - Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, 'It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.'"
-Deep Thought, Jack Handy

Ghetto Fabulous!

After the birthday dinner the boyfriend had arranged for us to all hit up a club near by. I had never been to this club but I have been to others on the same street so I though well it can't be much different from the other 2 on this strip and they are nice so I was excited to hit up the club!

Well... let me just tell you this was like no club I have ever been to before and if it wasn't for the birthday party I would have turned back around and walked out the door.

However, I have learned in life its not where you are but who you are with that makes the night fun. One of the guys in the party and I were having a good time just laughing. Here is what came out of the night....

Top 10 reasons you know you're in a ghetto club....

10. People are making babies on the dance floor
(I have seen this dancing in music videos but I have never personally witnessed until this night)

9. The couches are vinyl so they can be hosed off at the end of the night

8. Some of the couches look like they came from college frat houses after they couldn't use them anymore

7. You find a random plastic lobster beside one of the couches
(note the lobster ended up in all the pictures after the great find)

6. The best vodka they have in the upstairs bar is Gordon's

5. The staff members wear shirts that say "Janitor" on the front and the back

4. The "janitor" is also the dj

3. The floor is being mopped as people are dancing on it
(the moppers reminded me of the butler from Mr. Deeds sneaky sneaky, weaving in and out of dances to mop the floor all night long! Seems safe right?! ha ha)

2. There are inches of dust on the chandeliers

If all of this wasn't ghetto enough for you.... The number 1 way you know you're in a ghetto club....

1. Guys are laying on the floor so girls in dresses can dance over their faces!

I am sure you are all jealous of this wonderful night and superior club I went to. Trust me it was worth it for the laugh factor for the night. However, I do not believe I will be a frequent guest of this club!

You get what you pay for?

This weekend I went out for a friends birthday and her boyfriend arranged the whole night. I offered my services several times to assist with any of the planning but he insisted on taking charge. We went to a nice dinner of Italian food and boy was there a lot of food!

Everything was served home-style meaning extra large portions. The menu was preset since there was 17 of us at dinner. We were told in advance $30 all you can eat and non-alcoholic beverages. When the bill came it was a bit more than originally anticipated. This would be due to people consuming alcoholic beverages.

Can I just tell you how annoying it is when someone sits there an knocks back alcoholic drinks and then when the bill comes acts like they don't know why its more than we originally planned? If you are not willing to put in the money for your drinks then you should stick to water! Everyone at the table ate the cost for the drinks because the idiots all except one didn't throw in the cash for the beverages they consumed!

This is the last time I sit back and allow it to happen, next time I will be pointing fingers. Just because you're cheap I shouldn't have to cover the cost!!!

Book Suggestions

As one of my fall off the wagon resolutions I committed to reading more. The rules are simple for myself. At least 1 book per month. Every other month must be a business book.

January I am finishing book 4 of the Twilight series which means February is Business book month.

Does anyone have any suggestions of good business books to read?

These are always tough for me I find myself bored and not being able to read a full book but I am dedicated to the cause and would like to find at least 6 this year.

Your suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated!!!!!

And the winner is...

Yes that's correct I got an award! Yaya awarded me with this very special award!


Thanks Yaya! Love you!

Music Monday

That's right it's Monday again! So here is my playlist for the week.

1. Small Town- John Mellencamp
This reminds me of where I grew up. I love when I hear this song and it was on the radio twice last week. It just had to make the list

2. Hypnotize- Piles featuring Akon
This is one of my favorite work out songs. Since I have recommitted to working out this week its only appropriate to put it on the list.

3. Be Ok- Ingrid Michaelson
I took this one from Yaya! I love this song, I can relate. And its in the commercial for the movie New In Town which makes me want to see the movie.

4. Stay with You- John Legend
Since I went to the John Legend concert last week I needed to put a song of his on the list. This is my favorite song he does.

5. Come over- Estelle
Estelle opened for John Legend. I was only familiar with her American Boy song, but she has lots of great songs. This is my favorite of her songs and you get 2 for 1 because there are 2 versions and I thought I would post both so you can decide with you like better.

What songs move you?

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Funny Friday

A husband and a wife we were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed. The husband turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?"
"No," she answered.
He then said, "Is that your final answer?"
She didn't even look at him this time, simply saying "Yes."
So he said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

Every drink has its time and place, and matching a martini with the occasion is key to earning status with the cocktail circuit.

Raise your glass and lets toast to Thirsty Thursday!

Cocktail of the week:

The Ruby Martini


3 parts Bacardi O
1 part Ruby red grapefruit juice
A splash of cranberry juice

Grapefruit Twist
Sugar rimmed glass


Pre-chill glass with ice. Meanwhile add the ingredients to shaker with cracked ice, mix contents. Dump ice out of glass, sugar the rim slightly, then strain drink into chilled glass, add the grapefruit piece as a garnish.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Music Mondays

I love and appreciate a good song that you can either relate to the lyrics or that song takes you back to a place in your memory.

Here's my personal playlist for music Monday:

1. Heartless- Kayne West
I love this song, gets me pumped up when I hear it

2. Rehab- Rihanna
Reminds me of Mr.I thought it was Forever

3. Human- The Killers
I Love the lyrics in this song
"And sometimes I get nervous, When I see an open door, close your eyes, clear your heart, Cut the cord"
makes me think about sometimes its hard to accept change but we should embrace it.

" Pay my respects to grace and virtue, send my condolences to good, give my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could And so long to devotion You taught me everything I know Wave goodbye, wish me well You've gotta let me go"

Accepting the change in your life and try something new and different from what you were.

4. My Wish- Rascal Flats
My dad made me a CD and this was the first song he put on it, all the words in it remind me of stuff he would say to me.

5. Piano Man- Billy Joel
One of my all time favorite songs in fact it might just be my favorite. Chances are you'll see this one on the list over and over. This is just a great song to sing a long to and it always brings a smile to my face when I hear it. Reminds me of my dad also.

What are yours?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Enjoying life....

What's the funnest thing you've done in the last 3 months?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Eve

I am sure many of you are wondering what I did to ring in the New Year

I am glad I accepted the invitation to Tahoe. My friends have the hook up there and I partied into the night with them!

We started out the night with a nice dinner at The Sage Room. It was a preset menu which meant preset price as well! So here is a glimpse at what $99 will get you on NYE

NYE Dinner

I am normally not a seafood person but I thought what the hell and tried it all. Scallops, Crab legs, lobster tail, clams. Most of it I actually enjoyed!

After we went to Club Vex. We had the VIP hook up! My friends were able to hook it up with a booth. Normally this booth costs $3000 for the night plus cover $100! This was all waived for us :)

So you ask how do we get a hook up such as this. Our friend is the resident DJ at the club. But, we did have to buy a bottle. This was the most expensive bottle of Kettle I have ever had.

Here is a picture of me with the $500 bottle of Kettle One! Quote of the night "Someone should tell them they are getting ripped off, you can buy this bottle of Kettle at Costco for $30!"


The theme for the night was Moulin Rouge. They had Trapeze girls doing performances, dancers and even a girl on a swing above the club! Pretty cool show they put on


It was a great night, it ended when I made it back to my room at 6am!


I saw this sign in the bathroom and I loved it. I think its a good way to live. So here is to 2009!


My Moto to Life
