Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Letter to the editor

Dear Stephaine Meyer,

I have to say I am very disappointed you gave in so easily to the idea of making a movie out of Twilight. First I must ask, were you that desperate for the money? Or was it so intriguing like that hot guy you know you should wait to hook up with but can't so you just go for it?

I think you have whored yourself out and now you look like that desperate girl that our mothers warn us about if you jump into bed too quickly. I really think you should have waited. Maybe its because you were a movie virgin and you just couldn't wait to get it on. But come on, there are people out there with more money and worth waiting for.

Instead you have left all of us with a bad taste in our mouths. We are suffering from the "walk of shame" with you.

Here are my questions to you

Why not hold out for a bigger budget? (Maybe you should look up JK Rowling in the whitepages and get some advice from her. She was very successful turning her books into quality movies)

Who did the casting? Are these people playing these roles really what you envisioned when you were writing the book? What happened to vampires being the most attractive species on earth?

I am quite disappointed in the casting and their acting abilities. I know it was low budget but I am sure there are people out there that can act and take a nice pay cut for it.

Was the budget really that low, that they were low on extras and you needed to fill in? Or was this your 5 minutes of fame in a movie?

I beg you and plead you to please not hop into the sack so easily the second time. Please be respectible from here on out. Hold out for someone better with deeper pockets. You can gain some dignity back!

2009 Resolutions... Fall off the band wagon list

I decided that resolution list is not the appropriate name. I am calling this list fall off the wagon list.... Why you ask? We all know how long resolutions last. I can honestly look back and say I don't think I have ever followed through an entire year with a resolution. But here goes the list.

1. Cut down on drinking. This means limit the number of drinks in an outing to 3.

Where did I get 3 from? Not sure maybe because its my favorite number, maybe I think its reasonable not sure but thats the number for 2009. 3 Maybe I shouldn't point out the obvious because I like to believe I am being good by deciding to drink less but I will entertain you. Notice I did not say the size of these drinks. There is a reason behind this, I know there will be times keeping it to 3 will be difficult like during beer pong tournaments. So if I have 3 larger drinks those can be divided up to accomodate the needs of the party. ;) (some of you may want to place bets on how long it is until I fall off the wagon on this one) Ok enough on drinking....

2. Increase my work outs from 3 a week to 5 a week.

I will fit in the F'ing jeans that have been in the closet for the last 2 years that are suppose to be the "skinny jean" I am tired of the fat jeans getting too small and having to buy a bigger pair of "fat" jeans.

3. Read more

Once I finish reading the Twilight series I am on to the next book... which is 'Are you there Vodka, its me Chelsea.' Ok the real reason behind this is bc I want to read that book, I am sure my reading will trail off after this. To be honest that book grabbed my attention because the title sounds like something I would say myself. So I am intrigued and I have heard from 2 others that this is a hilarious book so who can't afford a good laugh.

4. Stick to a budget

I never really see the point to a budget for a few reasons
1. If I have the money why can't I just buy it?
2. I can't take my money to the grave I should just spend it while I am alive and enjoy life
3. The more money I spend the more entertained my blog readers are.. more adventures (ok I just made that up but I do believe the others)

5. Find myself before finding a man

This is probably the one thing on this list I will stick to the longest. This is the first time in like 12 years that I am actually single going into the new year. I think its a good idea to get a grip on me before dragging some poor unsuspecting guy along with me. (note this doesn't mean I won't have hook ups and fun along the way...)

Ok so there you have it my fall off the wagon list...

If you're a betting person I would tell you the odds are with drinking and a budget. Those have the highest odds of falling off the wagon first. Although working out 5 times a week isn't far behind.
Dear Blog Stalkers I mean faithful readers,

I apologize for not updating my blog lately. I know several of you stalk daily and have been disappointed to find nothing updated on the page. I left you all high and dry and bored with no details to live vicariously through me. No promises but I will try my best to do a better job and posting more frequently. For those of you that have been faithfully waiting for a new post you will be overwhelmed with blog overload today.

I was laying in bed tossing and turning trying to fall back asleep and blogs just swirled in my head. So today I bring you several blogs. Still no details on the past parties, I will circle back and bring you some of the exciting events, however, I will put this out there I don’t feel the stories are too juicy but they might be enjoyed…

PS I hope everyone had a good holiday season!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do you ever have those days were every other word comes out as a swear word, you talk faster than you can think cause you are fired up? You feel like you shouldn't have gotten out of bed or at least gone back to bed and not faced the word. And then your mom has to point out it seems you are having a bad day, you're being snappy!? Work decides you seem to be "bored" so they pile more projects on an already stressful week....

Yeah that's my day today... thank god I have the weekend to look forward to and heavy consumptions of alcohol to erase those short term memories of a bad week!


As in car curiosity...

Here are 2 things I will never understand...

1. People who decorate their cars for the holidays (lights, Christmas wreath, antlers, etc.)
Don't get me wrong I am no Grinch, no Scrooge in fact this is my favorite holiday. I grew up in a house where we had a Christmas tree in every room. Even now my biggest tree is in my bedroom so I can look at it each morning I wake up and a second one in the living room.

Does this make these people more festive than the rest of us? Are they trying to out do us with holiday spirit? Are these the people that really buy those ugly holiday sweaters? What does the rest of their homes look like, like Christmas drank too much and threw up all of their house?
I could go on and on but you get the point...


2. People who have massive amounts of shit in their rear windows of their cars. I mean not literal shit but "stuff" with a theme to it.

Yesterday I was driving and on my morning commute I passed this woman driving a car with all kinds of stuffed animals in the back window. Is she a charity worker waiting to hand those stuffed animals out? Is she a kidnapper trying to use those as bait? What is it?

For those of you who don't understand what I mean I am including a picture example of the insanity I am talking about...(these are the extreme and not what I saw yesterday but you get the point)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Unsolved Mystery...

I would like to re-examine the case of the missing contact from Reno party 2 weekends prior...

Some new evidence has been found and I would like to submitted it into the case.

The other day while doing some laundry I picked up the sweater I wore to the party and needed to read washing instructions before throwing it into the wash in case it was marked with those dreadful words.... "dry clean only"

As I picked up the sweater I noticed something fall to the floor and to my disbelief it was that one contact!

Yes folks thats right the missing contact. Hard as could be but still recognizable. And we thought we would never find out what happened. Oh the excitement in my life. Actually you have no idea how funny I actually thought it was.

(I wanted to call Yaya right away to share the humor then decided against it when I realized it would have been like 1 am for her.... don't think it would have been as funny to be woke up about it!)

So there you have it... Mystery solved (for the most part, we will never know how it got there!)... Case Closed!

Social Calendar

This week is not as packed with VIP events however there is one major event at the end of the week that is going to be over the top!

Monday- Monday Night Football and Twilight

Tuesday- Twilight (yes I am a slow reader get over it!)

Wednesday- Clogging my arteries with good ol' Wing Stop with friends

Thursday- Probably still reading Twilight maybe happy hour

Friday- Work Christmas party... I lied and said its a friends birthday, I just don't find the fun in hanging out with my co-workers who have all been friends for years from a different job and try to "include" me cause its the right thing to do... I would rather drink by myself!

Saturday- The much anticipated long awaited Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
This event is to include- beer pong, maybe my first keg stand ever, drunk Christmas carols to the unsuspecting neighbors in our ugly holiday sweaters, mistletoe, egg nog, live reindeer, twister, flip cup, and I am sure many more shanannigans that I couldn't even dream up at this point!

Sunday- Rehab brunch at my place for anyone that ended up not making it home from the previous nights party of the year!


I want to apologize to all of my blog stalkers for neglecting my blogging duties as of recent. I know I owe all of you details on the VIP week that was... I am getting there. Please forgive me this little thing called "work" got in the way.

Rest assure juicy gossipy details will be coming your way.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Humor me

I like to amuse myself when I am drinking by having random text conversations with my friends. Here is a perfect example of one of my conversations from last night...

I am gonna call this friend Reno 911 (this is the friend who's party I woke up with one contact)

Reno 911: Did u leave a present under the guest bathroom sink?

Me: What? (pretending not to know but I totally did and yes I was the guilty party)

Reno 911: A tampon (An unused one please dont think used that's gross)

Me: Oh.. ha ha yeah I might need it when I come back
Thanks for calling me out on it!

Reno 911: Awesome. Ill write your name on it so nobody uses it. You're not the only person I asked

Me: Good. If you have a bitch over tell her hands off!

Reno 911: Ha ha

Me: those are the good tampons ;)

Reno 911: Good to know I won't dunk it in my cranberry juice

Me: Ill kick your ass and your bitches if she uses it (he is single and has no bitch)

Reno 911: ha ha

Me: I passed out before 11 after drinking a bottle of vodka by myself and chugging a beer followed by 2 other beers I earned that space for my tampon under the sink damn it!

Reno 911: ha ha its all yours.

Me: That was a funny convo huh?

Reno 911: Yes

Me: At least I can make fun of the situation when I am embarrassed

Reno 911: Its not embarrassing. This isn't the 7th grade

Me: ha ha. Damn straight! It's my fucking tampon! How's that?

Reno 911: Awesome.

Yeah and that was it no more conversation after that... I don't think he could have handled anymore Jill for the night ;)


Forgive me I am still new to this whole blogging thing.. Yaya you're gonna have to help me out with this one.

I guess I was tagged or something to post 7 random things about myself... Well I am breaking the rules and posting 7 random questions.

1. Does text sex really exist?

2. How come nice people always seem to be the ones getting hurt?

3. How come my poop smells blueberryish the day after drinking?

4. How can you drink so much the night before and be so thirsty the next day?

5. How come some people love driving in the fast lane when they drive so slow?

6. How come doing the things you are not suppose to always feels so good?

7. Why can't we only be attracted to 1 person in life and then we know its Mr./Mrs. This really truly is forever and I am not gonna fuck you over down the road person?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

....*Christmas Wish LIst*....

In spirit of the holidays here is my Christmas Wish List

1. Hot Personal Trainer- I request hot so some day I don't have to pay for him because his motives to train me will be for his own personal benefits in bed!

2. Paper Shredder- This may be an odd request on a wish list to some of you... but I have lots of papers that need to be shredded, the new year is around the corner lets get rid of the old baggage!

3. Scanner- I want to scan all those old photos that people wish I would burn and post them on blogs, facebook, myspace you know all the good places.

4. Olympus Digital Camera- yes I am that specific this camera is waterproof! Who knows where that hot trainer might take me some day!

5. Personal makeup artist- It's amazing how good you can look when someone else does it for you!

The dreaded gym.......

I went to the gym tonight. Day 1 of the week. The goal is to make it at least 3 times in a given week although I would like to make it 5 or 6. I do a good job of hitting the bare minimum expectation I have set.

My old boss used to say... "we have very low standards and we live up to them every single day" ha ha. That's me and the gym!

Here's my motivation for going to the gym

1. I want to look better than I did when I was with Mr.I thought this was forever so when he sees me again I can walk away smiling cause he won't have me again!

2. Work out aggression towards Mr. I thought this was forever.

3. Mr. S and Hot guy both have amazing bodies, not to mention that ex from high school too! And they all claim they haven't been to the gym in awhile.... if they were women they would be like the Victoria Secret models (like the bitch that ate the donut on the fashion show!) How can you hook up with someone with rock hard abs and a body that makes you melt and not feel motivated for you to look a little better when your clothes come off?

4. When I have things like VIP parties and wished I had worked out instead of sitting on the couch eating that extra slice of pizza!

5. For those days I am just plain "fat"!

6. The jeans I bought 2 years ago and I vowed I would fit into them... and still don't! (I refuse to give them away... I will fit into them... even if its when I am dead and I get buried in those f'ing jeans!)

7. The Jamaican wedding I will be in come May and possibly the Brazilian wedding in October. Looking good in a swimsuit is a must!

8. I made the commitment to myself to go at least 3 days a week, and I don't want to let myself down, after all I am single and I have the time.

And last but not least....

9. I suppose I should put this on here... health. Although to be truly honest that isn't a real motive for me, but let's just pretend!

Random thought of the day

You know how when you are posting a comment and it asks for word verification?

Wouldn't it be fun if it was someones job to create those words to verify and for one day you could pick random bad words or phrases?

F*uck off
.... Wow that's funny can't believe that word was generated to verify! :)

Like I said random thought of the day!

Things I love

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Social Calendar revised

Monday- No real plans, liver is still recovering from the bottle of vodka and beers on Saturday. Most likely shopping for holiday party items. Read Twilight into the early hours of the morning when I should be sleeping.

Tuesday- Birthday Dinner with Friends Sick friend. Frees time for Twilight!

Wednesday- VIP Holiday Concert 9pm to 2am in San Francisco

Birthday dinner first

2nd VIP Holiday Concert- Not so Silent Night 6pm to midnight

(Asked hot guy to go... most likely hangover next morning)

Friday- Open for booking... I am sure I'll find some shannigans to get into

Saturday- Birthday Brunch in SF. Unlimited Mimosas great way to start the day!

VIP Party at Roe with Lil' Jon (no idea when I will roll in from this one... might end up sleeping in the car) Hot guy is also invited to this one....

Sunday- Recovery from the past week and Football!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank you

Thank you to everyone that visited my site and posted comments!

Yeah not a blog loser on day one! I look forward to reading all of your blogs and updating mine... and yes I am already falling into the addiction. In case anyone wanted to know ;)

Drinking is not my only hobby....

For those of you who think all I do is drink that is incorrect. Yes it does seem like it and yes a lot of posts will involve drinking however its not the only thing in my life.

I just choose to leave out the mundane details of my life, we all eat, we all shit, I just choose to post the juicy stuff. Take it for what its worth. Maybe you can live vicariously through me, maybe I can be used as an example (don't drink as much as her) whatever it is I hope I can just bring some laughter to your day.

I like to think I live a good life, full of fun, happiness and love. And when its my time to leave this world I can look back and say I enjoyed life, I lived and I was a good friend.

Here is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos... I hope you enjoy it too!

Mystery of the one contact....

I have received several questions of
How exactly did you wake up with one contact?
Where did that other contact go?

To be quiet honest after a
BOttle of UV LeMONade (I think I shared about 5 shots worth with others and yes I did consume the rest myself)
Being pEeR PrESsuRed into ChuGGing a BEer
And then sTEAling SOMeone else's beER and wondering WHere it went afTEr I set it dOWn and then being told probably back to its original owner...

I have no idea where that one contact is and will remain a mystery!
Best birthday gift....
Check out this video: USB Humping Dog

USB Humping Dog! ha ha ha

This is the gift I gave my friend this weekend for his birthday. Mind you this is the same party I woke up with 1 contact! Its still a mystery as to where that one contact went!!

Social Calendar for the week

Of course there is work this week... however who wants to hear about that.

Let's get to the good stuff what's going on after hours.

Monday- No real plans, liver is still recovering from the bottle of vodka and beers on Saturday. Most likely shopping for holiday party items.

Tuesday- Birthday Dinner with Friends (not anticipating this to be a real late night)

Wednesday- VIP Holiday Concert 9pm to 2am in San Francisco

2nd VIP Holiday Concert- Not so Silent Night 6pm to midnight (Asked hot guy to go... most likely hangover next morning)

Friday- Open for booking... I am sure I'll find some shannigans to get into

Saturday- VIP Party at Roe with Lil' Jon (no idea when I will roll in from this one... might end up sleeping in the car) Hot guy is also invited to this one....

Sunday- Recovery from the past week and Football!!

I am sure some of you might be thinking... damn she drinks a lot... I just want to reassure you this week is no different from many others. My liver has undergone extensive training for these events.

Blog disclaimer

So here it is... my first blog. After much begging and pleading from my best friend I have caved under peer pressure and I am blogging.

There is much stress that comes with this....

What if I have nothing interesting to say?
What if I am the loser of the blog world and no one follows my blogs?
What if no one reads my posts?
What if my life just isn't as interesting as I like to think?

Oh the stress...

I am sure this dates back to my school days when I would get that english paper back (that I procrastinated on all month and what I thought was quality time writing in the late hours of the night) and the paper would say... just not interesting try harder next time. Little did that teacher know she was putting much stress on me later in life. Now I worry about the quality of my blogs....

So if you find yourself bored with my blog... stop reading. I warned you this may not be what you anticipated but at least I gave you a heads up.

* just a little note, names of individuals will be changed to protect the innocent.

Here it is Drink Up Fall down... you may want to grab a drink while reading it might make it more interesting!

Here's to life!

PS- Big thank you to Yaya for setting up my amazing blog site! Its so cute! Great job capturing my essence in a blog page! Love you :)