Monday, January 19, 2009

You get what you pay for?

This weekend I went out for a friends birthday and her boyfriend arranged the whole night. I offered my services several times to assist with any of the planning but he insisted on taking charge. We went to a nice dinner of Italian food and boy was there a lot of food!

Everything was served home-style meaning extra large portions. The menu was preset since there was 17 of us at dinner. We were told in advance $30 all you can eat and non-alcoholic beverages. When the bill came it was a bit more than originally anticipated. This would be due to people consuming alcoholic beverages.

Can I just tell you how annoying it is when someone sits there an knocks back alcoholic drinks and then when the bill comes acts like they don't know why its more than we originally planned? If you are not willing to put in the money for your drinks then you should stick to water! Everyone at the table ate the cost for the drinks because the idiots all except one didn't throw in the cash for the beverages they consumed!

This is the last time I sit back and allow it to happen, next time I will be pointing fingers. Just because you're cheap I shouldn't have to cover the cost!!!


Hccm said...

That annoys the heck out of me too. Especially when they already know what the budget is.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!! This drives me NUTS! Sort of like when my mother in law chooses to always go to the bathroom the second the bill comes.....