Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Social Calendar

This week is not as packed with VIP events however there is one major event at the end of the week that is going to be over the top!

Monday- Monday Night Football and Twilight

Tuesday- Twilight (yes I am a slow reader get over it!)

Wednesday- Clogging my arteries with good ol' Wing Stop with friends

Thursday- Probably still reading Twilight maybe happy hour

Friday- Work Christmas party... I lied and said its a friends birthday, I just don't find the fun in hanging out with my co-workers who have all been friends for years from a different job and try to "include" me cause its the right thing to do... I would rather drink by myself!

Saturday- The much anticipated long awaited Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
This event is to include- beer pong, maybe my first keg stand ever, drunk Christmas carols to the unsuspecting neighbors in our ugly holiday sweaters, mistletoe, egg nog, live reindeer, twister, flip cup, and I am sure many more shanannigans that I couldn't even dream up at this point!

Sunday- Rehab brunch at my place for anyone that ended up not making it home from the previous nights party of the year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see pics from your party! Wish I could be there!

Good luck accomplishing your first ever keg stand...is that your New Year's Resolution? 'Must do first-ever keg stand."