Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The dreaded gym.......

I went to the gym tonight. Day 1 of the week. The goal is to make it at least 3 times in a given week although I would like to make it 5 or 6. I do a good job of hitting the bare minimum expectation I have set.

My old boss used to say... "we have very low standards and we live up to them every single day" ha ha. That's me and the gym!

Here's my motivation for going to the gym

1. I want to look better than I did when I was with Mr.I thought this was forever so when he sees me again I can walk away smiling cause he won't have me again!

2. Work out aggression towards Mr. I thought this was forever.

3. Mr. S and Hot guy both have amazing bodies, not to mention that ex from high school too! And they all claim they haven't been to the gym in awhile.... if they were women they would be like the Victoria Secret models (like the bitch that ate the donut on the fashion show!) How can you hook up with someone with rock hard abs and a body that makes you melt and not feel motivated for you to look a little better when your clothes come off?

4. When I have things like VIP parties and wished I had worked out instead of sitting on the couch eating that extra slice of pizza!

5. For those days I am just plain "fat"!

6. The jeans I bought 2 years ago and I vowed I would fit into them... and still don't! (I refuse to give them away... I will fit into them... even if its when I am dead and I get buried in those f'ing jeans!)

7. The Jamaican wedding I will be in come May and possibly the Brazilian wedding in October. Looking good in a swimsuit is a must!

8. I made the commitment to myself to go at least 3 days a week, and I don't want to let myself down, after all I am single and I have the time.

And last but not least....

9. I suppose I should put this on here... health. Although to be truly honest that isn't a real motive for me, but let's just pretend!


April said...

My reason for not going to the gym is that I chase 3 kids around all the time. It makes me feel a little better. Good luck with it all. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Yeah, those are A LOT of reasons to go to the gym! Although you already have a hot bod!

Cammie said...

you have officially been to the gym more this week then I have in months. Yeah you!

Kristina P. said...

Yeah, I haven't been in about 2 years. An elliptcial machine is on my Christmas list this year.