Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog disclaimer

So here it is... my first blog. After much begging and pleading from my best friend I have caved under peer pressure and I am blogging.

There is much stress that comes with this....

What if I have nothing interesting to say?
What if I am the loser of the blog world and no one follows my blogs?
What if no one reads my posts?
What if my life just isn't as interesting as I like to think?

Oh the stress...

I am sure this dates back to my school days when I would get that english paper back (that I procrastinated on all month and what I thought was quality time writing in the late hours of the night) and the paper would say... just not interesting try harder next time. Little did that teacher know she was putting much stress on me later in life. Now I worry about the quality of my blogs....

So if you find yourself bored with my blog... stop reading. I warned you this may not be what you anticipated but at least I gave you a heads up.

* just a little note, names of individuals will be changed to protect the innocent.

Here it is Drink Up Fall down... you may want to grab a drink while reading it might make it more interesting!

Here's to life!

PS- Big thank you to Yaya for setting up my amazing blog site! Its so cute! Great job capturing my essence in a blog page! Love you :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! I'm so excited you're finally blogging! I love your stories and now other ppl will too!!!

April said...

Welcome to blogging! I'm pretty sure even if it's boring, we are nosey enough to still read. At least I am.

Sandy said...

Yaya sent me! Welcome to bloggy land:)

sassy stephanie said...

Came over from Yaya's! Welcome to the addictive world of blogging.

Anonymous said...

Yaya sent me!! You'll become addicted in NO time;)

Anonymous said...

Ok. What's in the flask? Apple juice, right?