Here are 2 things I will never understand...
1. People who decorate their cars for the holidays (lights, Christmas wreath, antlers, etc.)
Don't get me wrong I am no Grinch, no Scrooge in fact this is my favorite holiday. I grew up in a house where we had a Christmas tree in every room. Even now my biggest tree is in my bedroom so I can look at it each morning I wake up and a second one in the living room.
Does this make these people more festive than the rest of us? Are they trying to out do us with holiday spirit? Are these the people that really buy those ugly holiday sweaters? What does the rest of their homes look like, like Christmas drank too much and threw up all of their house?
I could go on and on but you get the point...
2. People who have massive amounts of shit in their rear windows of their cars. I mean not literal shit but "stuff" with a theme to it.
Yesterday I was driving and on my morning commute I passed this woman driving a car with all kinds of stuffed animals in the back window. Is she a charity worker waiting to hand those stuffed animals out? Is she a kidnapper trying to use those as bait? What is it?
For those of you who don't understand what I mean I am including a picture example of the insanity I am talking about...(these are the extreme and not what I saw yesterday but you get the point)
seriously...I passed a car on my way to work today that had a big ass red not at the front and an antler in each window. Asshole almost made me wreak my car
KNow what I hate? Those damn arms people love to have sticking out of their trunks. Really? Lame.
I'm sooo with you on this!! I do not know how many "car antlers" I've passed here lately, but come on people.....keep that crap at home, alright?
Oh and I used to live near an elderly couple who had this big ass car...huge, like a block long, and in the entire back window....plastic horses. I'm sure he had to glue them in there, there is no way those suckers could have stood upright making turns, you know?
Why!?!? WHY?!?!?
All your comments cracked me up! I am glad you all feel similar and can relate! I was almost late for work writing that post but I had to get it out!
The plastic horses cracked me up. My friends and I like to call those huge cars boat cars. One of my friends dated a guy that drove one. Yaya said it was like driving a limo! Ha ha
Darn-guess I'll have to take back that car wreath I bought you for Christmas!
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